TRIO/Title III将于7月10日星期三上午8:30至10:00关闭,以供员工发展. Regular hours will resume at 10:00am.

Student Support Programs

At Saint Paul College, we believe in nurturing our students’ potential, not just academically but holistically. Our robust Student Support Programs are a testament to this commitment. 从学术指导和职业咨询到心理健康资源和经济援助服务, we offer a wide range of support initiatives to ensure every student thrives. 体验mg电子试玩app的与众不同,在这里你的成功是我们的首要任务.  

TRIO Student Support Services

What is TRIO Student Support Services?

TRIO学生支持服务(SSS)是联邦资助的学生成功和保留计划. 我们的目标是通过个性化的服务和学生参与来支持TRIO学生在mg电子试玩app的整个学习,这样学生就可以完成副学士学位,并准备转到四年制的学院或大学. 

TRIO SSS Services Include:

  • Academic advising 
  • Financial guidance (financial aid, scholarship, and financial literacy) 
  • Personal Coaching 
  • Career and Major Exploration 
  • Tutoring 
  • Access to a study space/lounge 
  • Workshops and cultural events 
  • Transfer visits to 4-year schools 
  • Grant opportunities 

Eligibility Requirements:

要符合TRIO SSS的资格,您必须证明学术需求并满足以下要求之一: 

You must also be a US Citizen or Permanent Resident, enrolled at Saint Paul College, plan to earn a degree, and have no previous degrees. 24岁及以上修读副学士学位(AA, AS, AAS)者优先。. 


    Please note: Admission to the program is not automatic. 完成的申请将被评估资格和空间的计划. If admitted, you will be contacted about the next steps. 
  • Attend a TRIO SSS Orientation—learn out about the history of TRIO, our program services, and requirements. 
  • 在您参加第一次咨询会议后,与您的TRIO SSS领航员或项目主任会面, you will officially be a TRIO SSS student and eligible to receive services! 

Resources for Current TRIO SSS Students:

What is Title III?

Title III

Title III is a 5-year U.S. 教育部拨款旨在通过完成大学课程和提高他们的金融知识来提高学生的保留率. 

Eligibility Criteria/Requirements
To be eligible for Title III, students must: 

  • Have an academic need or require pre-college coursework 
  • Not have a previous degree 
  • Plan to earn a degree from Saint Paul College 
  • Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident 

The Title III department at Saint Paul College includes a Student Success Team, 哪个机构为入读大学预科课程的学生提供综合支持. The integrated services that contribute to academic success include: 

  • 学术建议/研讨会-为学生在mg电子试玩app前两个学期的学业进展提供反馈,并作为学生成功之旅的一部分 
  • 补充指导-在数学,阅读和写作方面提供个性化的学术支持. 这种学术支持是由mg电子试玩app自己的研究员计划的专业导师提供的. 
  • 新生介绍-为mg电子试玩app提供了一个强有力的介绍,以提高学生的第一学期体验,并帮助他们成功地过渡到大学. 
  • 金融知识-帮助学生获得负责任借贷的知识和技能, financial planning, and literacy. 
  • 包罗万象的支持-将学生与他们需要的资源联系起来,以实现他们的教育目标. 
  • 桥梁课程-为符合条件的学生提供建立和练习数学的机会, reading, writing, and other academic skills before beginning their Saint Paul College course. 
Name Department Contact

Program Information

UMN Humphrey Fellowship

副校园指导计划是mg电子试玩app和明尼苏达大学汉弗莱奖学金计划之间的合作伙伴关系,旨在让研究员和mg电子试玩app的学生进行文化交流. 这种合作关系包括服务学习项目和目标设定,并帮助学生与来自全球的知名专业人士建立关系和互动.  

汉弗莱奖学金获得者是来自各自国家的杰出大使,他们表现出领导潜力和对公共服务的坚定承诺, whether in the public, private, or non-profit sector. 

Program Cost 
There is no fee for participating in the program. 

Program Benefits 

  • 从有经验的专业人士那里获得实用的建议、鼓励和支持. 
  • Develop your social, academic, and professional confidence. 
  • Understand Global Fluency (exposure to global perspectives). 
  • Identify and set SMART goals (e.g., Increasing motivation, improving your time management skills, finding an internship, reading non-school related books, or joining an extracurricular group/student organization). 
  • Expand your personal and professional networking. 
  • Grow your communication skills, increase your experience with collaboration and networking, and participate in a resume-enhancing project. 

* You’ll receive a $200.00 stipend upon completing the mentoring program during the spring semester! 

Time Commitment (10-12 hours total) October-May 

  • 1 hour of Mentee Orientation 
  • 1 hour – establish joint goals with Mentor 
  • 3 (virtual) one-on-one meetings with your Mentor 
  • Service Learning project with your Mentor 
  • 1.5 End or Program Presentation/Celebration 

What is the Four Directions Summer Pathway Program?

mg电子试玩app的四个方向暑期通道是一个文化响应计划,为美国印第安学生谁愿意考虑大学作为一种选择. Through strategic collaborations, we use the Medicine Wheel as a program model to prepare students mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically for their transition from high school to college or career. 

Why Join? 

  • Free Summer Bridge Program 
  • Paid Internship (area of your interest) 
  • Direct Support from an American Indian College Navigator 
  • Mentorship and Tutoring 
  • Financial Aid and Scholarship Support 
  • Conversations with Knowledge Keepers 
  • Transportation Assistance 
  • Meet like-minded individuals 
  • Career Exploration 
  • Wealth Justice and Financial Empowerment Course 
  • 美国印第安人科学与工程学会金融美分冒险 

Who Should Apply? 

During our summer program, 学生有机会参加活动,可以帮助他们在高中毕业后的旅程. Themes include: 

  • 向学生介绍通往大学学业成功的学习技巧策略 
  • 研究身份、个人和文化影响者如何与生活目标联系起来. 
  • Establishing a safe, trusted & supportive cohort of peers to earn a comfortable sense of belonging. 
  • 在大学期间评估经济援助计划并制定学生预算. 

The goals of the Four Directions Pathways Initiative include: 

  • 扩大与文化相关的学生服务,从高中到大学. 
  • Increase college and career readiness of American Indian students. 
  • 在mg电子试玩app提供母语和补充的学术课程 
  • Increase student success as measured by enrollment and retention. 
  • 帮助缩小明尼苏达州美国印第安学生的成绩差距. 

iLEAD Fellowship program

iLEAD是一个充满活力的社区建设倡议,旨在为BIPOC男学生提供全面的支持和授权. iLEAD is committed to enhancing retention, persistence, and completion rates, ultimately paving the way for successful careers and thriving wages.

我们的iLEAD工作人员和合作伙伴了解我们的学生面临的独特挑战, and we go beyond traditional academic assistance. 我们提供全面的方法,包括广泛的个性化支持服务. From addressing basic needs to providing scholarship funding, leadership development, mentoring, cohort advising, and culturally relevant programming, we strive to meet our students’ diverse needs.

iLEAD首字母缩略词代表了指导我们课程的核心原则:身份, Leadership, Excellence, Accountability, and Dedication. These five pillars are not just words to us; they are the values our students have chosen to embody and live by every day. Through these principles, 我们培养学生强烈的归属感,让学生充分发挥自己的潜力.

如果你是一名BIPOC的男学生,正在寻求一段变革性的大学经历和建立终身联系的机会, iLEAD is here for you. Apply today and begin your transformative journey towards academic achievement, personal growth, and professional success.